Apr. 23, 1956 Newly established the Department of Pharmacy(fixed number in 40 students)
May 01, 1956 Installed the attached herb garden
Sep. 31, 1956 Installed the attached pharmacy
Nov. 01, 1958 Completed the newly-built laboratory for the Department of Pharmacy (lecture room of the current building No. 31)
Mar. 31, 1960 The 1st graduation from the Department of Pharmacy(33 people)
Mar. 01, 1963 Change of school name into Chungbuk National University, Revival in the Department of Pharmacy, Entrance quota in 20 students
Sep. 25, 1966 Issued Journal of Pharmacology "Yakjin" first issue published
Dec. 01, 1969 Launched the Research Institute for Development of Pharmaceutical Resources
Mar. 01, 1972 Newly established the master's course for the Department of Pharmacy at graduate school
Mar. 11, 1974 Elevated to the Division of Pharmacy for the Department of Pharmacy
May 24, 1974 Opened the 1st pharmacy festival(May 24, 1974~May 25)
Mar. 01, 1978 Elevated to the cluster college, changed school name into Chungbuk National University
Mar. 01, 1979 Started by being raised to the Department of Pharmacy for the College of Pharmacy(fixed number in 50 students)
Mar. 01, 1980 Newly established the doctoral course for the Department of Pharmacy at graduate school
Mar. 01, 1985 Newly established the master's course for the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at graduate school
May 01, 1985 Published the first issue for the journal of alumni association “Recipe"
May 24, 1986 Event in commemoration of the 30th anniversary for the Department of Pharmacy
Oct. 16, 1990 Division into the Department of Pharmacy(fixed number in 25 people) and the Department of Pharmaceutics(fixed number in 25 people)
Mar. 01, 1991 Newly established the Department of Pharmaceutics(25 people)
Oct. 11, 1991 Opened the 1st new-drug development symposium
Feb. 24, 1995 The 1st graduation from the Department of Pharmaceutics in 22 students
May 01, 1995 Concluded agreement of academic exchange with Yanbian Medical School in Jilin of China
May 11, 1996 Event in commemoration of the 40th anniversary for the foundation of Department of Pharmacy
Oct. 1998 Concluded agreement of academic exchange with the Division of Pharmacy at Tohoku University in Japan
Sep. 2000 Completed the pharmacy research building(Building No. 502)
Jun. 2001 Constructed Research Center for Bioresource and Health(RRC)
Apr. 2002 Opened 2002 Spring Pharmacy Academy
Nov. 2003. Opened international symposium for developing mountains
Jun. 2004. Participated in regional capacity building program(NURI project) for the regional-university innovation by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Sep. 2004 Participated in the promotion program for the regionally research-centered university
Mar. 2006 Selected(Biotopia next-generation pharmaceutical-technology project team) for BK21(Brain Korea 21) program in the 2nd phase by the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development
Apr. 2006 Opened the celebration of the 50th anniversary for the foundation of Department of Pharmacy
Sep. 2008. Constructed Medical Research Center(MRC)
Feb. 2009 The 50th graduation from the Department of Pharmacy, the 15th graduation from the Department of Pharmaceutics
Feb. 2011 The 52th graduation from the College of Pharmacy
Mar. 2011 Sexennial College freshmen Entrance, Department of Contract College freshmen Entrance
Oct. 2012 Newly established the course for the department of Industrial Pharmacy
Aug. 2013 Selected for Brain Korea 21+ (Minstry of Education and Human Resources Development)
Oct. 2014 Opened Asian Network Symposium
Jan. 2015 Moved from Cheongju Campus to Osong Bio Campus
Sep. 2017 2nd Constructed Medical Research Center (Minstry of Science and ICT)
Dec. 2018 2nd Asian Network Symposium